Friday, 19 December 2014

LO1: Mind-map of jobs in the games industry

Animator - The job of the animator is to give movement to intractable objects and characters. They basically give life to things. Their job would be in the main production process. They would start working after all of the models are done. This process does not take very long know, this is due to the advances in motion capture technology. Something that would take mouth now takes weeks.
 Assistant Producer - Their job is to work with everyone on a game to make sure that the games stick to a timetable. Their job would be in every stage of the production process. It is their responsibility to make sure that the game is ale to come out on the established realise date. 
Audio Engineer - It is the responsibility to make all of the in-games audio. This includes the soundtrack, sound effects and the voices of the character. Their job can be in pre-production and the main production process, it all depends on how many actors, how big the sound track is and all the other sound effects. A game such as Batman: Arkham Origins audio engineering was started 4 mouth before the game its self had started production and finished 3 weeks before the games had started production. 
Creative Director - It is there duty to direct the flow and fell of the game and makes the big dissension that could change all the aspects of the game. Their job would be in the main production process and pre-production. They would be involved in pre-production but would not contribute a lot. A game that was change drastically because of its Creative Director X-com (2012), it started off as a 3rd person shooter with tactical elements and ended up being a table top squad based game.   

External producer - The External producer does the same job role, as the normal producer but is an out side sour and not linked to the games studio. Their job would be in the main production process.

Games Designer - Devising what a game consists of and how it plays, defining all the core elements and communicating this to the rest of the development team who create the art assets and computer code. Their job would be in the main production process.

Games Programmer - The job of a Games Programmers design and write the computer code that runs and controls a game. Their job would be in the main production process.

Game Artist - A games artist makes the visuals, things like characters, objects, vehicle anything and everything in a game ha been made by them. Their job would be in the main production process.

Lead Artists - There responsibility is for the overall look of the game. Their job would be in the main production process.

Lead Programmer - It is there job to oversee all programmers with in a given project. Their job would be in the main production process.

Level Editor - A level editor makes the game world. Things that they work on are landscape, buildings and any over really big thing in the game. Their job would be in the main production process.         

Marketing Manager - Their job it to advertise the game and other products associated with the game and studio. Their job is all ways 
necessary in production and post-production. It is not unknown for them to start in the pre-production but very rare it is only done for an established games franchise.        
Marketing executive - Their job is to be sales rep.  Their job would be in the main production process.

Product Manager - There duty is to change and improve the marketing campaigns so that it makes a bigger in packet on the sales. 
Their job is all ways necessary in production and post-production.

Project Manager/Producer - Someone in this job role has to make sure that the shops have enough copies so that they can give away the pre-ordered. This will 
necessary at the end of production and carry on throw post-production. 

Technical Artist - This person’s job is to be a bridge between the artist's and the programmers so that the game can be made as smooth and as fast as possible. 
Their job is all ways necessary in production and post-production.

Creative skill set (2014) Available: online Accessed: 19/12/2014